Jan 16, 2010


Well, you tell me...

My parents were getting ready to leave for a two week trip to Florida. We are dogsitting for them. They brought the dog over Friday night, but that wasn't all they brought! They didn't want some of their perishables to go to waste, so they brought them to us.

There were blueberries, celery, (which I broke down and ate as this is crunchy and stickish, but sadly not carrotish), squash, hot dogs, and a big hunk of balogna. Oh, and two oranges.

Guess who ate the oranges?

I really have to say, this lack of fruit thing is the pits. A body needs fruit! The apple lover pouted all day Friday. She opened the refrigerator door at some point in the day and sighed as she stared at the empty drawer that should be holding apples.

"Mommy, we ARE going to buy apples again, aren't we?"

I get it, I do. I really want carrots, baby girl. (But she did eat some applesauce today!)

Technically, I used what was in my house and did not purchase anything, but it still kinda feels like cheating.

So tell me, was it?

1 comment:

Sprinklemonkey said...

So not cheating! The food came to you!